2024 has been quite a year! |
2024 has been quite a year. At Envisioning Access, we were prepared in January to greet the year and make changes. Thanks to all of YOU, our thoughtful and generous friends, we had a wonderful, exciting year that made an impact on the community we serve. In quick review we: -
Partnered with new companies.
- Teamed up with individuals with physical disabilities who assisted in advising the new companies.
- Greeted new board members
- Managed to overcome a flood that devastated our offices.
- Developed a new website.
- Introduced our Road to a Million campaign.
The goal of the Road to a Million is to create a world where everyone can fully participate. As we launch this exciting campaign, we want to accomplish two objectives: - Raise $1 million by the end of December 2025;
Imagine, and begin to create, a world where everyone has equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and community spaces.
Why We Need a Million
The journey to accessibility is filled with challenges, from funding assistive technology to retrofitting buildings, training educators, and raising awareness about the importance of inclusion. The Road to a Million campaign will allow Envisioning Access to scale its initiatives and tackle accessibility challenges in new and impactful ways.
Your support will directly fund: - Testing of technology that will get those living with physical disabilities back to work and school.
- Testing of technology to combat isolation for older adults.
Supporting the development of new technologies that will allow for equal access for finding and keeping employment.
- Raising awareness of the importance of employing those who are living with disabilities.
Thank you for joining us on this journey—we truly appreciate you. Make sure you watch our new video and see how you are making a difference! |
Save the Date for an Exciting Day of Giving! |
| Make a gift on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 and it will be MATCHED, dollar for dollar, up to $20,000! EXCITING NEWS! A generous donor has issued a challenge—they will MATCH every donation made on December 18, dollar for dollar, up to $20,000! This means your gift makes TWICE the impact. Tell your friends and family to save the date to double your gift. Help us reach our goal on December 18—we are counting on YOU! |
| Using Virtual Reality to Overcome Reality
"Your brain is actually incapable of feeling the same amount of pain signals in virtual reality than outside of virtual reality. VR not only helps relax kids and mitigates their pain, but it is really fun and changes the narrative of the procedure." |
Defying Gravity this year? Check out this interview!
ABC's Rhiannon Ally sat down with Marissa Bode, the first authentically-cast wheelchair user, and her co-star Ethan Slater to discuss the making of "Wicked" for the big screen.
"I think it is important to focus on the accessibility. People should take note of how you can make your spaces more accessible and more inclusive and how important visibility really is." |
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| Designing Inclusive Technologies: How Accessible Innovations Can Transform the Lives of People with Disabilities
As people move through their routines in the ever-increasingly digital environment, it has become more imperative to make technology accessible. There are more than a billion people or about 15% of the world’s population with one sort of disability or the other, hence the importance of developing technologies that meet their needs to enhance social inclusion. Still, many of them are only partially developed, and it is possible to state that only a part of the currently available technologies is truly open.
Federal Wins and Challenges for the Disability Community in 2024
2024 has brought both advancements and challenges for the disability community at the federal level. While significant policy initiatives addressed key issues such as healthcare, accessibility, and workforce support, there were also setbacks that highlight the need for continued advocacy. In this month's column, you can read a summary of notable developments and areas to watch moving forward. |
The 2025 Calendar is here! |
| This may be our best calendar yet!
Your kindness and generosity in ordering a calendar means that our sweet monkeys have a safe, secure, and healthy environment here in Boston at the Monkey Living Center during their post-service years. Your contribution also supports the monkeys that are still in service around the country assisting recipients as well as the aging monkeys that are in special care/foster homes with families who love and care for them.
Today (December 14) is a great day to order a calendar as it is International Monkey Day! They make great gifts, too. We hope that each photo brings a smile to your face knowing that your donation helps provide all this for these special service animals. |
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