Alison Payne
Director of Monkey Care
Alison has had a lifelong interest in animals, especially primates. In the third grade, she decided that she would work with monkeys or apes someday. Throughout her education, she volunteered at pet clinics, an avian nursery, and Zoo New England, and has always loved learning more about different animals. At Boston University, where Alison received her bachelor’s degree, she focused her studies in cognitive and learning psychology and animal behavior. During her senior year, Alison began volunteering at Envisioning Access and was thrilled to begin a full-time job upon graduation.
As Director of Monkey Care, Alison oversees the health and well-being of each monkey in the Envisioning Access program. She considers the monkeys to be part of her family and strives to give them love and support. Outside of work, Alison enjoys attending the opera, indoor gardening, and spending time with her human family.