eNewsletter February 2025

In January we began a discussion in this newsletter regarding our campaign A Road to a Million. Our goal is to raise $1 million by the end of 2025 to develop and provide technology to those living with physical disabilities so we:

  • may alleviate isolation;
  • provide economic freedom; and,
  • find a path to attaining higher education.

In January we focused on alleviating isolation. 

This month we are focusing our efforts on providing economic freedom—finding and maintaining meaningful employment.

People with disabilities are a vast, untapped talent pool with immense potential to contribute to the economy and society. Yet, barriers to employment and economic independence often prevent people with disabilities from thriving in the workplace. At Envisioning Access, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed. Unfortunately, over 70% of working-age adults with disabilities are unemployed or underemployed, not because of their abilities, but because of systemic barriers. A lack of accessible tools, training, and inclusive workplace policies keeps millions from realizing their full economic potential. 

Continue to read the February 2025 eNews.

This is the monthly eNewsletter of Envisioning Access, containing all our recent news. Want to be a part of our journey? Sign up here

Golf Course in Plymouth, MA
In This Issue: From the Executive Director, Disability Corner, Government Relations with Amir Ameli, Save the Date—Envisioning Access Golf Classic, Star Market Bag Program