Monkey Business – September 2021

A New Look!
August 31, 2021

The glow of autumn takes on special meaning for New Englanders. While many enjoy the long summer days, I think that the cooler temperatures and beautiful foliage is simply magnificent. I always appreciate the fact that I get to live in such a beautiful region of the country. As autumn begins at Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers, we are excited to share some new “cool” endeavors.
If you have not had an opportunity to visit our website recently, don’t wait another minute. It is
brand new! Thanks in part to a grant from Rockland Trust – Blue Hills Charitable Foundation and working with Great Island Design in Salem, MA, we have completely redone our site. All of us, board, staff, and our adorable capuchins are so pleased to be able to tell you our story – past and present – and give you a glimpse into what our organization’s future holds. Read More

Monkey Business is the monthly eNewsletter of Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers. It contains all the recent news from the Monkey Living Center.  Sign up here

New Office space
In this Issue: A new look for our Website, Save the date for BINGO, Stop and Shop Community Bag Program, Siggy's Story