Envisioning Access Fall 2024 Print Newsletter

Envisioning Access is dedicated to finding innovative solutions through technology to assist those with physical disabilities to find meaningful employment, attain higher education, and alleviate isolation.

It is with great excitement that we explore opportunities to work with tech start-ups and universities, and encourage and spur the development of those new technologies, now coming on the market at a rapid pace, to empower individuals with physical disabilities to live more independent and engaged lives.

Where Technology Meets Disability

The purpose of our work is to determine the intersection of technology and disability, and then put the technology into the homes of those living with disabilities to ascertain the efficiency of the technology. We want to:

  • assist in and support the development of new technologies.
  • provide support and find clients to test and provide feedback on the new technology to ascertain how well robotics or mixed reality provides independence for the person living with the disability.
  • determine how comfortable the primary caregiver felt when they were not in the home and their loved one was dependent on the new technology.
  • determine if the new technology could take care of specific daily living needs.

Our goal is not just to provide the technology but to train each individual on the technology. Additionally, we will provide support until both the person living with the disability and the caregiver are comfortable with the device/piece of technology, and understand how to use all aspects of the new technology on their computer, phone or wherever it is useful. We have a variety of projects and partners we are working with. I hope that you enjoy reading a brief summary of two projects.

Please visit our website for more information on all the interesting and exciting work that we are doing.

Read the Newsletter

From the Executive Director, Partners and Projects, The 2025 Calendar, Flood Recovery